Wooden & Metal Pattern Core Box

Impact International, Kobe, Japan has the expertise to supply Wooden and Metal Pattern for a variety of applications in Automotive, Mining and Locomotive Sectors.

We have a good supply record of Wooden and Metal Patterns mainly suitable for Mining and locomotive applications. These patterns are important to maintain structural construction standards in order to last for a reasonable length of time and as per the grade of material used.

We are in association with reliable customers like Taguchi Patterns Works Limited (TPWD) for all abroad requirements.

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Wooden & Metal Pattern Core Box

Taguchi Pattern Works Limited (TPWL)


Impact International, Kobe, Japan

: +81-78-230-0531

Fax : +81-78-230-0532

: sales@impact-japan.co.jp


Kobe, Japan
Pune, India
Bangalore, India